Park & Ride
A smart alternative
In your car stuck in a traffic jam? Things don’t have to be that way. Plus, parking spaces are really hard to find during rush hour, and mostly also really expensive. But the Park + Ride concept is also really useful when, due to lower demand outside peak travel hours, public transport provision is not as extensive. So if, for example, buses don’t run to outlying suburban or rural areas at the desired time, Park + Ride is a real alternative.
Leave your car at a Park + Ride site at one of the listed stations, climb into the train and sit back and enjoy the ride. Arrive at your destination punctually and relaxed! At the same time, you save money on fuel and help preserve the environment.
In the VRM area P+R sites can be found at 38 rail stations, offering approximately 3,200 parking spaces in total. These are mostly free of charge to use, and where this is not the case, this is stated on the map.